Senin, 12 Agustus 2013

I am Marooner

I love Maroon 5 so much!
Their musics are great if you wanna listen ;). Trust me. Okay just that. I don't like writing that much xD

Poems (from a book named "Nessie")

This is the very first poem book that i read a long time ago. When i was child.

Just read it or give it to your gf/bf ;). And i say goodluck with your gf/bf! :)

I am only a ripple in the big sound of splashing wave
That hits coral rock
I am only a little phase that smelted
With the sand inside wrestle wave
I am only small sand in the depth of beach
At the end of dusk day
I am only a small bubnle air that blown
And that stroke a pretty obscure crown
But I'm not that part
Because I am only me

There is a time that I want to smile
But I can't
There is a time that I want to cry
And I cry like possessed
While life goes on, I can not stand
And I feel like a dead man
That is the time when I missed your smile

When the sun comes through the dawn
If the full moon does not groom the loveliness night anymore

I want...
You to greet my emptiness night
Paint this pretty restless

Be here with your blazing
Tune a beautiful night song

Until the dawn comes
Moving over you...

When the restless inside the tear
I turn for a while
World seems bigger when I'm with you
Yet it seems so small when I begin to cry

I'm here and here I am
Just watching around
And the end of my day

When the sun goes down
And the day is over
Night becomes noon
And the noon is the night

It's so funny
I wished the shooting star would count the way

But now
I'm wishing that
The star would fall down
Here, deep down on earth
And I pray it would never ever rise again

I don't know why
It could be that irony

Oh sorry guys i gotta go. I'll continue it next night. Thanks for reading!